Upcoming Event
Follow-up of the annual OSA meeting: February 12, 15:00 – 17:00, via Zoom
Find out more about the follow-up event here.
Open Science Ambassadors (OSA) are researchers and staff members of the Max Planck Society, who are interested in Open Science topics and its systematic implementation. They not only seek to make their research open, but push for change in their community and inspire their colleagues to join the movement.
They are representatives of Open Science at their institutes:
- starting or strengthening an open dialog
- spreading awareness of Open Science practices
- providing valuable information on MPG internal and external ressources
Additionally, OS Ambassadors represent their institutes in the MPG Open Science community that exchanges ideas and methods on how to better implement Open Science.
The OS Ambassadors and the MPG Open Science community meet once a year in-person, to discuss Open Science strategies, participate in workshops and discuss the status of Open Science within and outside of the Society.
Becoming an Open Science Ambassador
Anyone within the MPG can become an Open Science Ambassador, regardless of their career stage or position. Ambassadors can either be selected by their institute or claim the title independently. To be featured in the official OSA list you can fill out this form. The form can also be used to indicate interest in the Open Science community to receive updates and emails about upcoming events.
What does it mean to be an Ambassador?
As an OS Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to:
- attend the annual in-person meeting, featuring lectures and hands-on workshops on Open Science topics
- connect with like-minded researchers and support staff from various institutes
- amplify your voice at your institute and start a conversation on Open Science
- navigate your colleagues to further information, tools, and training
Our experience has shown that a combination of a staff OS Ambassador and a research-based OS Ambassador is an ideal combination for a MPI. While permanent staff can facilitate a long-term implementation of the topic, researchers are very aware of the discipline-specific challenges. The program especially encourages Early Career Researchers to become Ambassadors, who are motivated to pursue Open Science and are looking to make a difference in the way science is done.