Open Science Ambassadors Speakers – 2021

Dr. Rima-Maria Rahal 

MPI for Research on Collective Goods

Rima is a senior research fellow investigating the cognitive and affective processes underlying social and moral decision making via process-tracing techniques, such as eye-tracking. She is also a member of the Network of Open Science Initiatives (NOSI) and the German Reproducibility Network (GRN). As part of her contribution to Open Science, Rima has also created open educational material about experimental methods in the social sciences.

Lennart Wittkuhn 

MPI for Human Development

Lennart is a doctoral researcher in cognitive neuroscience and, in his dissertation, he studies the role of hippocampal replay in representation learning in humans using fMRI. Lennart’s interest also relate to tools and methods to make science more open and reproducible. Thus, he is an active user and contributor of open data management tools, such as DataLad.

Dr. Hartwig Harder 

MPI for Chemistry

Hartwig is a group leader in the Department of Atmospheric Chemistry at the MPI for Chemistry. His research is focused in the atmosphere’s complex chemical pathways and free radicals in the air’s molecules.

Dr. iur. Raffaela Kunz 

MPI for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Raffaela is a senior research fellow interested in the relationship between international and domestic law, the rights to science and knowledge, and global justice. In the matter of Open Science and Open Access, Rafaella offers a critical approach from a human rights perspective to the question of how to make scientific knowledge open.

PhDnet Open Science working group

The PhDnet is the network of all doctoral researchers of the Max Planck Society. Within the PhDnet, the Open Science working group aims towards making science in the Max Planck Society more openly accessible, transparent and reproducible.


The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a central unit of the Max Planck Society that supports scientists from all Max Planck Institutes with a broad portfolio of services in the fields of information provision, publication support and research data management. MPDL strives to make Open Access publishing as easy as possible for the researchers of the Max Planck Society.